Monday, 17 February 2014

Riot! (Paramore)

Well hey there, readers! I never made any promises about when I was going to be posting next, so I'm not going to apologize for once again committing a little bit of blog neglect - it has been over a month since my last post, after all. Anyway, I'm back again now, so no need to worry ;) I've started to look at some new places for nail inspiration - beyond my shoes, travels, etc - and so I turned to my old friend, the trusty iPod. I thought perhaps some album artwork would do the trick - and this is what I came up with. Paramore fans, you should be excited. I will admit that it's not the neatest design that I've ever done - mind you, the artwork isn't either, so I guess it doesn't matter that much...anyway, want to know how to do it? I'll tell you; First, paint your nails white. Next, take your black Nail Art pen (I used my Models Own one, which is pretty good) and, with an incredibly steady hand, write each letter of 'RIOT!' all over each nail. It's meant to look a little messy so don't stress if it's not great - mine certainly isn't! Once these are all dry, paint a small dab of white in a similar shape to each respective letter over the top - do a couple of these. Then, using a red Nail Art Pen, write each letter again once over the white. Finished! Enjoy :)


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